Main Differences Between UAE Mainland Vs UAE Freezone Business Setup

uae mainland vs uae freezone business setup

Setting up a business in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) can be an exciting venture, but it’s important to understand the differences between mainland and freezone business setups. Each option has its own advantages and considerations that can significantly impact your operations, legal obligations, and overall success. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the details of mainland and freezone UAE business setups, helping you make an informed decision that aligns with your entrepreneurial goals.

Difference Between Mainland and Freezone Dubai

To make this easy to understand, keep in mind there are two places in Dubai where an individual can start a business, mainland Dubai and the Freezone. The key difference between the two is that on the mainland, new companies will have to partner up with locals to start a business as per the established laws. In the free zone, an investor has 100% ownership of the business they wish to set up. To understand the differences more in detail, lets dive into understanding the main benefits and other advantages to setting up up a business within these economic zones 

Local Sponsorship
100% ownership is allowed without needing to have a local sponsor
51% local ownership is required but they will not have control of your business.
There is a limit which is usually about 6-7 visas that can be applied by Freezone company owners.
No restrictions on number of visas. However, office space needs to be expanded to procure additional visas.
Office Space
Have the option of either getting a physical office space or applying for a virtual office.
Obligated to have a physical office space along with Ejari and necessary approvals from authorities.
Flexibility to conduct international business freely with other Freezones and any country outside of UAE.
Freedom to conduct business within any city in UAE as well as any foreign country.
Capital Requirements
There is no set capital requirements however approvals must be sought from the respective Freezone regulating body.
The minimum capital required by a mainland company is usually between AED 20,000 to AED 25,000.
Special services might require external approvals. However export trade does not require any such external approvals hence making it easier to conduct business in Freezones.
It is mandatory to seek approvals from Department of development, Labour ministry and Department of naturalisation and residency. Extra approvals will be required in F&B, education and health sector.

Freezone Business Setup

Dubai Free zones are in demand as foreign business investors are allowed to have complete ownership of their businesses. Free zones help investors increase opportunities for trade as they are set up in areas that are easily accessible like seaports or airports. Under certain regulations, they are even allowed to manufacture semi-finished or finished goods for sale. In addition to this, businesses can avail of various tax benefits as easy access to resources. This makes setting up a business in the free zone one that is very much sought after.

Key Advantages:

Mainland Business Setup

Considering what’s been said about Dubai Free zones, Dubai mainland could seem like a hard sell. However, it could not be further from the truth as Dubai mainland has its own set of alluring features that are very intriguing. With a local service agent you can trade without having to worry about legal permissions, trade internationally and faster business administration process which all lead to better scope and growth of your business.

Key Advantages:

When establishing a mainland business in the UAE, your company operates within the jurisdiction of the UAE government and its commercial laws. This setup allows you to conduct business activities across the entire UAE market, including both local and international trade. Here are some key benefits of a mainland business setup:

  • Access to Local Markets: With a mainland setup, you have the freedom to conduct business throughout the UAE, targeting a wider customer base.
  • No Limitations on Business Activities: Mainland companies have the flexibility to engage in a broad range of business activities, including retail, services, and manufacturing.
  • More Flexibility in Choosing Office Locations: Mainland businesses can establish their offices in prime locations across the UAE, providing convenience and visibility to customers.
  • No Minimum Capital Requirements: Unlike some freezones, mainland setups do not impose minimum capital requirements, making it easier to start your business.
  • Access to Government Contracts: Mainland companies can bid for government contracts, opening up potential lucrative opportunities for growth.

Considerations and Restrictions

While mainland business setups offer numerous advantages, there are also some considerations and restrictions to bear in mind:

  • Local Sponsorship: To set up a mainland business, you are required to have a local sponsor, who holds 51% of the company shares. This sponsor must be a UAE national or a company fully owned by UAE nationals.
  • Licensing and Regulatory Requirements: Mainland companies need to adhere to specific licensing and regulatory procedures set by the UAE government, which may vary depending on the nature of your business activities.
  • Higher Setup and Operational Costs: Compared to freezone setups, mainland business setups generally involve higher costs due to licensing fees, office rentals, and additional compliance requirements.
  • Potential Market Competition: Operating in the mainland means competing directly with other local and international businesses, which can be challenging depending on your industry.

Learn more – Dubai mainland license cost

Low-Cost Business Setup In Dubai

This is one of the main reasons that many entrepreneurs and individuals with grand dreams flock to Dubai. With low tax rates and ease of acquiring documents and regulations to establish a business, Dubai is the perfect place to start your journey to make it to the Forbes list. The initial costs, although depending on the nature of your business, might vary from low to high. It is safe to assume that you can start your business at a relatively lower expense than in most cities.

Dubai Freezone Setup Cost

Considering many factors which include details such as the size of the company, number of employees, and type of activities that the business partakes in, your initial costs could start around 20,000 AED.

Dubai Mainland Setup Cost

The setup cost for a company in mainland Dubai will also depend on factors like the type of license, rent, investor fees and many more. Since it depends on a lot of factors it is hard to determine the exact cost of setting up a company in mainland Dubai but you can expect it to start at around 23,000 AED. 

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The Ultimate Guide To Setting Up A Company In Dubai

steps to business setup in Dubai

Setting up a business where the current economy is thriving will surely be beneficial as you will have access to a wide array of opportunities. As a prime tourist location, you might have the opportunity to nab a wealthy client or supplier’s attention with your business. Whether you are looking for direct customers or business clients to partner with, setting up a business in the city of Dubai will see to it that your company flourishes on the sandy dunes that meet the sea.

Importance Of Company Setup In Dubai

If you are planning to expand an already existing business or wish to build a new idea from the ground up then Dubai is a prime location for ideas to make it big. You will see your company reach new heights in terms of exponential growth as Dubai is an important trading point for some of the most valuable resources from across the globe. What better place to set up your company than a bustling city full of people from different nations?

Main advantages of starting a business in Dubai

Tremendous ease of carrying out business activities - Great taxation benefits - Advanced infrastructural facilities - Growing support for government authorities - Located strategically to carry out international business - Diversified business opportunities within economi

Setting Up A Company In Dubai, Why You Need To?

Though not exactly accurate, on the world map you can find that Dubai is in the middle of the globe with China, Russia, Africa, Europe and India surrounding it. Raw materials and other manufactured goods are constantly exchanged between these countries. A business set up in Dubai will benefit a company majorly as you will be able to make the most of this kind of opportunity that isn’t easy to find. Not to mention the constant tourists that frequent the city of Dubai for its tall buildings, malls, beaches and dessert. Dubai, as seen in many pictures is growing at a rapid rate and those that make the most of this opportunity will surely see their bank accounts growing along with their company. With this Dubai business setup guide, your vision can now become a reality in just a few simple steps.

Steps of company formation Dubai

The process of setting up a company in Dubai with the help of consultants is cost and time efficient. Rather than having to figure out all the formalities that have to be done and extensive time spent on research to choose the best path, by simply acquiring the assistance of a business consultant you will be required to just go through the required process that will be presented in front of you and approve of it to commence setting up your business in Dubai.

    • Choose a good name that you want to use for your company.

    • Select the type of activities that your business will partake in.

    • Specify the number of partners if you have any along with their nationalities.

    • Select a legal type for your company.

    • Choose from the many license types that are available to you that best suit your business.

    • Provide all the necessary license details that will be required while forming the license.

    • If your company has partners then add the necessary details of each partner such as their role in the company, contact details and address, personal identification proof and how much percentage they own in the company.

    • Certain licenses will require initial approval from your side to begin the process. Especially if you are to start a new business in a new location.

    • Location details will be mandatory for certain licenses.

    • Legal documents such as service contracts and MOAs will be required to be sent to the officials.

    • Upon finishing the above-mentioned processes you will receive your license.

    • Certain licenses will require additional approvals to work so make sure to submit the required documents and wait to get notified by an agent about the status of approval.


Documents Required

You will need a variety of professional and personal documents you will need to collate which need to be filled and signed appropriately so as to get approvals from the local governing authorities. At Cohub, our experts help you accumulate all the necessary documents in the right manner so as to have no problems when they are reviewed by the committee. Below are the set of documents to keep in mind :


Document for Initial Approval :

  • Complete business plan
  • Company licence approvall form
  • Trade licence to copy of registeration certificate
  • Shareholder documents
  • NOC From local sponsor
  • Specimen signatures of Directors and shareholders 
  • Entry stamp on Visa page
  • 3 Name options at least 
  • RIC from director 
Documents for registration:
  • Signed and filled registration application form
  • Share capital information
  • Power of Attorney 
  • Board of resolution of the other directors
  • AOA & MOA
  • Passport sized photographs of the board
  • Lease agreement 
  • Visa processing 
  • Trade Licence issuance

Benefits Of Working With Business Setup Consultants

At times it becomes quite burdensome to look after new business ventures. Enthusiastic budding entrepreneurs will find themselves overwhelmed with the processes required to run a successful business, especially in a land where they are not familiar with the people or the culture. A foreign investor with many businesses under his name will not be able to devote himself completely to his new endeavour which will require ample care at its initial stages. This is where making use of a Dubai business setup consultant comes into play.

1) Experience

Business consultants like Cohub are the perfect answer to help your company grow rapidly by taking the right steps when laying the foundation for a strong presence in the future. You will have access to skilled executives who have honed their craft through years of service helping various businesses grow. With the knowledge and network gained through the years, they will help set up your business more effectively while maximising resources to their potential. Hence making your process of setting up a company in Dubai a smooth and efficient one.

2) Savings

The growth of any business depends on financial stability. When you hire expert consultants you will benefit from their expertise for the stipulated amount of time that you require. This saves money compared to hiring employees at times as you will have your consultant providing their best efforts to help your business grow. This is due to the fact that your consultant is working on a commission and will love to do business with you in the future hence only their best efforts will be put forth.  

3) Efficiency

Consultancy services in UAE  will most likely have taken up similar projects to help other companies set up their businesses. This has led them to accumulate knowledge of all the processes it takes to set up a business over time. When you take the assistance of a consultant you make every process or step you take efficient when progressing through the various stages of setting up your business. This will help conserve money and will be time efficient compared to having to understand the process before execution.

4) Modification

One of the main advantages of choosing a consultancy to help set up is that you get customised plans for executing your business as per your taste. There is a certain level of risk when taking the venture upon yourself as you will have limited knowledge and time to test out your ideas or theories before competitors take over the market. Consultancies can use their expertise to provide you with the best plans that will both satisfy your unique tastes as well as getting the task done over a shorter period of time.

5) Time Constraint

The market is an unforgiving warzone where your fight with consumers and competitors is a constant battle with varying outcomes. The person to make the first strike makes a huge impact and as such it is vital to get your business up and running before the market changes. With a consultancy, you are equipped with skilled professionals who are the best in their fields and will thus provide the most optimum results over a quicker period of time. This will help establish your business sooner for consumers to participate in while competitors will be left trying to catch up.

Best Business Setup Consultants In Dubai

It is always a good idea to choose the best option available no matter what the scenario. As such, choosing the best business setup consultant will go a long way to ensure that no untimely problems or issues are faced by the business in the future. There are many consultants that are available in the market to help budding entrepreneurs or foreign investors set up their businesses in Dubai so there is no shortage of options to choose from.

Choose the Top Business Setup Consultants In Dubai with Cohub

It is important to choose the right business consultants as their expertise will go a long way in helping the company see profits at a sooner stage. Many business consultants have gained valuable knowledge and expertise through the years by helping numerous businesses grow. With an abundance of experience, investing in the top consultants is sure to see your business reach new heights. Proper online research is required before enquiring about the company. Get on-call and talk to the executives to see if they have the expertise and knowledge that you will require for setting up your business with the quality you require.

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